Wednesday, October 23, 2013



The Knights Templar were a group of religious knights formed to create safe passage for European Christians to visit Jerusalem after the first Crusade in the early twelfth century by Hugues de Payans.  He and eight other knights convinced King Baldwin II of Jerusalem to allow them to camp at the site of the Dome of the Rock, otherwise known as Solomon’s Temple.

Somehow along the way they became rich. It is quite unknown how they came to possess such fortune and power, but it is widely assumed they found ancient secret knowledge during their early time at the temple, and thus used their find to blackmail the Church and the kings that they ruled at the time. One thing is for certain though, the Knights Templars sudden accumulation of lands and wealth, no matter how righteous their use of it, doomed them and their order to death.

An elite fighting force, the Knights Templar grew in size, fortune, land, power and influence over the years. One of the biggest moves was when the Pope made them a charitable organization. This allowed them to cross any borders without reprisal and exempted them from paying taxes.  

Eventually they became like a bank. When a nobleman made the trip to Jerusalem, they often gave all their wealth and businesses to the Templars to hold until they returned, in return for their safe passage. Most of the men in the Order had more to do with economics than they did with actual combat.

Before long they were issuing credit and collecting interest. This was an idea that was strictly prohibited by the Church, but since they had the Pope in their pocket, they got away with it. If they couldn’t charge interest, then they charged rent, or in other words, they collected whatever was produced on the land used for collateral until the mortgage was paid in full.

But how did they come to possess such power in the first place? It has been speculated that they came upon secret, sacred knowledge during their time at the Temple Mount. The legends range from finding the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, proof that Jesus survived his crucifixion, proof that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married and had a child, whose bloodline still survived, to even proof that humans were created by aliens instead of the ‘all powerful’ God of the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths. Whatever the case, they started with nothing and ended up with more power than any king or religious leader in Europe.

But their power and wealth created great enemies. King Philip the Fair of France wanted to take what they had and make it his own. His first act in making the plan happen was by having the Pope of his choosing elected. With the Pope in his pocket, instead of the Templar Knights, he had them outlawed and arrested. Those that weren’t killed were tortured into confessing to crimes such as urinating on the cross and kissing other men in black magick rituals. Needless to say, once the once brave knights confessed in order to stop the torture, they were then burned alive at the stake.

This passage is from
“King Philip the Fair—grandson of St. Louis of France—had engineered the election of the pope and the relocation of the papal court to Avignon. Although the papacy may have been in the ambitious king’s pocket, one of the most powerful and wealthy institutions of the day was not: The Order of the Temple. Philip knew its vast wealth and schemed to seize it.
The arrests of the Templars in France was easy: The fighting men of the order were then on the bloody border with Islam, in Spain, and on Cyprus. The Templars in France were aged veterans of the Crusades, well into their second childhood.
The things the knights confessed under torture defied belief: trampling and urinating on the Crucifix, secret rites of obscene kisses, sodomy, usury, treason, idolatry, heresy. After the arrests came seven years of inquisition, then hundreds and hundreds of public executions by burning. In the end, Pope Clement V abolished the order.”
The date of their mass arrests was on Friday, October 13, 1307. Since that day, Friday the 13th has been associated with bad luck.

Many believe that the Knights Templar were warned of the upcoming arrests at the last minute and some of them were able to escape with their most valued treasures, or holy relics. Those relics are still sought after today and have inspired many books and movies.

Some claim that the Knights Templars survived even unto our current times as secret societies such as the Free Masons and Skull and Bones. These organizations have many of the same rituals and beliefs and they also have tremendous power, as many presidents have come from the annals of these groups such as William Howard Taft, George W. Bush, George Washington, James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harry Trumand and Gerald R. Ford, amongst others.  

Whatever the case, the Knights Templar have left their mark on history.

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