Thursday, March 14, 2013

Number 10 Witch of All Time: Silver Ravenwolf

 Ranking and researching my top ten female witches of all time has been a real labor of love. Not all of my stories involve witches or witchcraft, but when my art does take me in that direction, I want to make sure I am well versed. The same is true with this blog. I can’t guarantee everything I write will be absolutely the gospel truth, but rest assured everything I write will be well researched. If I make a mistake and you happen to catch it, feel free to reply and politely set the matter straight. I will acknowledge my mistake, and you, of course, for being attentive, and all will be right! 

Though she didn't make the Top Ten, there was no way I could do this series without spotlighting Mr. Silver Ravenwolf. 

Silver is a well respected, though somewhat controversial figure in the world of Wicca, which for those of you who do not know, is the official name for the religion of Witchcraft. She has published several ‘how-to’ books on witchcraft, some of which I have personally read. Though not the first person to write and publish self instruction books for performing ancient wisdom, nor the highest authority, Silver does know of what she instructs. To me, she took a lot of the stigma of Wicca away and made it acceptable, as well as accessible. For that reason alone, she should be given credit. 

Whether or not ‘magick spells’ work or not, I will not get into today. My feelings are that if any type of spirituality makes you feel positive about yourself and your fellow woman or man, and is peaceful, then it is alright in my book. Silver’s teachings of the ‘craft’ certainly fit that scenario. 

Wicca might never be widely accepted by mainstream America, or the major religions that dominate worship throughout the world, but I am certainly thankful that the days of punishing people for being a witch are over. Nothing I have read in Silver’s work would deem someone worthy of being burned at the stake for reading or practicing it, as in ancient times, nor vilified and shunned, as often is the case in the modern world. 

Silver has garnered her share of controversy though, because of both her high profile and for speaking out. Those in other more ‘more acceptable’ religions believe she leads young, impressionable adults into the darkest of crafts, setting their souls up for an eternity of hellish punishment from their god. Some in Wicca believe her teachings often stray from the traditional and are too simplistic. Despite this, Silver keeps rolling along, writing her books and living her life the way she chooses. For this reason alone, I had to include her in my list! 

After all, we do live in a country that gives us Constitutional freedom to worship whatever religion we choose. Without Silver and other brave trailblazers like her, mainstream acceptance of magickal stories might never have happened. Thanks for all you have done, Silver!

Thanks for reading my blog. Please follow me, share and tell an enemy and a friend. I look forward to seeing you next time. I also encourage you to visit my author website to check out my novels and short stories. My psycho-sexual/dark fantasy novel about dragons, undead knights, and you guessed it, witches is called Rise of the Raven Knights, Suffer the Witch Volume I and it can be found at

My Apocalyptic Dark Fiction Thriller, THE DEVIL'S PROPHET is available @

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