Sunday, January 4, 2015

Gazzy & Katerina, excerpt Suffer the Witch 3

Coming Soon
She was most impressed by my tales of military conquests:  How I’d defeated legions of soldiers without killing them, how I’d toppled dictators, kings, and presidents with so called ‘acts of god’, and how I’d defeated the Queen of Hell, Lilith.  Who wouldn't be impressed by such grandiose tales?  To me, though, they were simply tasks to accomplish and not that big of a deal.  I just wanted to help the helpless. 
     We soon found ourselves swapping stories of our personal lives.  We talked about our families, our hometowns, our interests, everything really.  It became apparent that she and I were more similar than different. 
And the same could be said between all Russians and Americans.  We all wanted the same things:  Prosperity, health, family life, social life, and leisure time.  People are people, no matter where on Earth they hailed from.  It’s unfair to blame a nation’s people because their leaders are corrupt and evil, as was the case with both countries.
     One thing became clear as the night progressed; Katerina and I were keenly attracted to one another.  In my mind, I hoped that attraction would turn into animal magnetism.  I longed to be close to a woman, but not just any woman, that is why I had waited so long, so many lonely years.  I’d been burnt enough, betrayed too often. 

I needed someone I could relate to, someone that understood me, someone that wouldn't betray me at the first sign of adversity.  It seemed to me as if Katerina was that woman.

Click to Purchase Paul DeThroe's Dark Fiction Novels @ Amazon

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